Pioneering insights and strategies
straight from the future
We Provoke We strive to increase the capability of our clients and partners to foresee the future and innovate and respond better to emergence in the twenty-first century.
We Engage We believe that by engaging and exposing individuals, organizations and communities to engaged foresight, the future can be reframed, reinvented and transformed in the present.
We Inspire We apply and blend a mix of anticipatory tools and techniques to help our leaders and organizations to discover the future and prepare them for a deeper, authentic and action-oriented transformation.
We Take Action The terrain of futures thinking and strategic foresight is vast, and our approach are grounded on practical action and emergence via the Engaged Foresight approach


The Center for Engaged Foresight offers full-scale consulting projects to assist businesses, governments, and organizations develop policy and programs, management systems, and embedding futures thinking and strategic foresight at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels of the organization. We help our clients to question the future, imagine their preferred futures, prepare for uncertainty, and spot opportunities to thrive in adversity and growth.

We provide basic and advanced futures literacy, futures thinking, and strategic foresight training and capacity-building workshops.

Prepare for a fast changing and complex world. Be future literate and learn from the world’s leading futurists to foresee the future, imagine new possibilities, and create the future you want.

CEF makes keynotes and presentations on diverse futures issues and hot topics like the futures of leadership, government and governance, smart technologies and cities, education, environment, climate change, food, water, artificial intelligence, cyber and information security, youth futures, indigenous communities, disaster and crisis preparedness, risk management and organizational resilience, business continuity, sustainable development goals, etc. Our world-renowned pool of speakers and experts can curate talks aligned to your topic interests and tailor-made to your needs.

CEF works to blend normative, exploratory, creative, evidence-based, qualitative, and quantitative futures research methodologies to provide a contrasting and complementary view of how the future emerges. CEF futures research and innovation efforts are geared towards removing ambiguity, discovering and stimulating emergent possibilities. We train and support researchers, academics, research institutes, and think tanks to learn and apply futures research in a variety of areas, contexts, and applications.

CEF collaborates to engage and launch various global and regional futures initiatives and local foresight advocacy projects with global organizations, national government agencies, policy-makers, think tanks, research institutes, state universities, companies, and professional associations. It hosts and organizes large-scale global and public foresight events, world cafes, and focus group interactive huddles to make futures and foresight planetary, more inclusive, and accessible to everyone.

Shermon Crus

Shermon Cruz

Director and Chief Futurist

Shermon Cruz is an award winning futurist and the CEO and Chief Futurist of the Center for Engaged Foresight. He is the inagaural Chair of the first UNESCO Chair on Anticipatory Governance and Regenerative Cities in the Philippines at Northwestern University. He is the Chair of the Millenium Project Philippines, Co-founder of the Asia Pacific Futures Network and previously led as Chair of the Association of Professional Futurists from 2021-2023.

Institutional Member & Supporter



Professionals trained


Countries reached


Keynotes reached


The Center for Engaged Foresight provides foresight-based learning and development. You may design the world you want to live in with the help of CEF programs. Attending a CEF program not only offers you access to a network of co-conspirators but also opens the door to a plethora of growth opportunities to help you along the path.


Find Journal Articles and Documents. Explore our data-rich research, policy analysis, toolkits, guidelines, and other resources.

Why Choose Us

We believe in collective intelligence, and foresight polylogues and we take action! CEF helps leaders, people, communities, companies, universities, and government organizations learn futures thinking and apply strategic foresight in many diverse fields. CEF has delivered futures courses, training, workshops, and keynotes since 2010 in over 30 countries and to around 15,000 people and 500 organizations in the Philippines, the Asia Pacific region, and globally.

We emphasize the value of foundational futures knowledge as well as individual and institutional foresight capacity to reframe, invent, and implement alternative and preferred futures now through futures studies (theories, knowledge, capability, and content), futures research (futures tools and methods), strategic foresight courses, workshops and consulting (applied).

Decision Making

Strategic Planning


Public Policy and Governance

Business Continuity

Emergency Management


Public Policy and Governance

Clients & Partners


“I look forward to applying futures thinking in our strategic planning and visioning. It is a useful tool for us to help put things in proper perspective while also creatively analyzing problems and solutions”


“I used to believe that life, the future is exceptionally meaningless. This changed because I learned that the future need not have a single outcome but rather endowed with multiple possibilities and meanings both negative and positive. The fact that the future is open, a blank slate, I can create new stories and meanings of life and change… The fact that you are alive in the present, you can do something to make your futures more diverse and meaningful.”


“I am impressed with the workshop design. The approach was varied, innovative, and creative, I am ready to be a catalyst. Now I feel extraordinary! We are motivated to innovate and be creative! Going and flying to 2040 is an amazing experience. It is empowering! We have planned of going to the moon as well! This I would say Let’s GO and make our preferred futures happen! Let’s head on to the future!”


“Are we short-term centric? Is the future colonized by fear, poverty of imagination, and greed! If you assume yes, Let’s cancel these assumptions by transforming our mindsets and ways of knowing the future.”


“Imagine if your future self or let’s say the future generations could speak to you, what would it tell you? What does it want you to see and understand? Imagine if you have the capacity to decrypt the future and make it ever-present? The future is a lived experience. We embody it. It resides within us”


“The future will always be the place for which you will feel the deepest affection, no matter who you are and where you are.”

Blog & Update

CEF’s Dreams and Disruptions Game Won the APF IF 2023 Awards!

CEF’s Dreams and Disruptions Game Won the APF IF 2023 Awards!

CEF May 13, 2024
The Center For Engaged Foresight won the Most Significant Futures Work at the 2023 APF IF Awards for games, inclusive....
Web3 Fusion: Embracing AI and Beyond

Web3 Fusion: Embracing AI and Beyond

CEF April 20, 2024
  Dreams and Disruptions, this time in Bangkok at the DCN Global Web 3.0: Beyond AI Conference! Around a hundred...
Beyond the Game: Exploring Future Worlds with Dreams and Disruptions

Beyond the Game: Exploring Future Worlds with Dreams and Disruptions

CEF January 1, 2024
Reflecting on my keynote at this year's RSD12 Relating Systemic Design Symposium (unfortunately, we failed to record the proceedings), I'm...

Dr. Renzo Guinto

I enjoyed the process because it deviates from the usual planning and scenarios that do not take in random factors and random triggers that could happen. One of the key takeaways in the three stages of the scenario building process, one of the game-changer was leadership and movement.

Chief Planetary Doctor,

Marcus Bussey

The game is not only fun and interactive - it is an invitation to collective imagination. In a guided and structured way, participants are pushed to their limits, to think the seemingly unthinkable. If a game such as this one can generate ideas ranging from the fantastical to the dystopian, then we can surely create better futures in the real world for ourselves and for generations to come.

Senior Lecturer in History,

Stephen Aguilar-Milan

It was a pleasure to be a facilitator of the Dreams and Disruptions scenario workshop. I found it intuitive as a facilitator and the workshop structure is very democratic inviting all participants to engage. The online platform works smoothly with Zoom and makes explicit the ‘futures pedagogy’ at work.

Director for Research, European Futures Observatory,

Dreams and Disruptions Game

How can we make scenarios creative? One technique is to introduce an element of gaming into the formative stages of the scenario building process. This empowers the participants to unleash their imaginations. To come up with really good ideas to build into their scenarios.