Scenario Planning for Philippine Science, Technology and Innovation 2050
The Center for Engaged Foresight Team led by its Chief Futurist Shermon Cruz facilitated the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) a 2-Day Futures Literacy Leadership Training and a 2-Day Scenario Planning Action Learning Workshop to unpack, explore, reveal, reframe and consolidate the insights shaping the futures of Philippine Science, Technology and Innovation Operational Areas for the STI Foresight Project 2050. Attended by more or less 70 participants and observers composed of academicians (national scientists and NAST members), outstanding young scientists, and representatives from key government agencies, and state universities.
It employed a blended variety of strategic foresight tools, and methods, and combined evidence-based, critical, interpretive, action learning foresight techniques. These foresight tools include the experts’ space, open space, fireside chat, and breakout sessions. Moreover, the methodologies also maximized using games via collective intelligence laboratories to reveal, reframe and consolidate participants’ assumptions, imaginings, insights, and visions of Philippine Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Futures 2050. The workshop concluded with four alternative STI futures 2050 and strategic pathways to avoid the disowned futures, and to outline how the preferred and/or integrated futures might occur.
This NAST 2050 Philippine STI Scenario Planning workshop was designed to gather data, perspectives, imaginings, and narratives of Filipino scientists and partners about the emerging issues, drivers of change, alternative and preferred futures and strategies to reflect, rethink and reimagine the futures of Philippine STI. This workshop was designed, and curated by the NAST Philippine STI Foresight Team, together with the Center for Engaged Foresight, to map, anticipate, and imagine alternatives and preferred futures, as well as to deconstruct, and reconstruct Philippine STI futures.