Navigate, Sail, Plan Boot Camp 2020

Prof. Shermon Cruz, Director of the Center for Engaged Foresight, was recently invited by the Philippine Navy as a guest speaker on the topic of Anticipatory Risk Management during the Philippine Navy Boot Camp 2020.

More or less around 180 Navy Officers attended the foresight and risk management conversation. In his talk, Shermon accentuated the link of anticipatory thinking with risk management; that building futures literacy and anticipation are essential capabilities to construct or build a resilient, prepared, and anti-fragile world; that foresight must precede risk management practices, continuity, and recovery planning.

Using a post-normal lens, Shermon emphasized that foresight could provide a platform for people, communities, and organizations to explore through a collective intelligence process multiple and diverse possibilities and risks i.e. worse, weird, preferable, and emergent futures and to better understand the contexts and implications of uncertainty, of risks, and threats that disrupt ways of knowing imagining futures, assessing the implications, mitigating and managing risks.

Shermon gave several case studies on how NATO, the US Air Force, INTERPOL, etc. use the future and strategic foresight to navigate an uncertain world influenced and shaped by multiple drivers of change and their convergence and consequences to anticipate emerging risks. He also introduced and shared the core and fundamentals of the Center for Engaged Foresight approach to Anticipatory Risk Management. As certified risk management and business continuity professional, Shermon emphasized the need to transform existing risk management paradigms which are tactical and operational driven to include foresight and long-term thinking as its core, given the strategic purposes and significance of risk management to strategic thinking, innovation, and preparedness.

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