Report on City Futures for City Leaders @ the Journal of Futures Studies


Our report on the City Futures for City Leaders WFSF Learning Lab in Penang Malaysia was published in the Journal of Futures Studies September 2014 edition. JFS website and PDF copy is available here and

Here is the preview of the paper.

“Cities have emerged as change agents towards sustainable futures. Discussion about its size, food routes, transportation, health, climate change and community resilience has shifted the way cities are perceived into the future. Questions persist such as: How do we create the inclusive city? How do cities ensure spatial justice and equal access to urban resources and opportunities amidst the impacts of climate change? How do we link strategic foresight to urban governance and strategy development? These are some of the big questions that decisionmakers, thought leaders, academics and city dwellers continue to explore.”

And the World Futures Studies Federation LEALA Learning Lab link here

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