Toney Hallahan

Regenerative Cities, Urban Planning & Design

Toney Hallahan

Regenerative Cities, Urban Planning & Design


Toney Hallahan is the Director of Habitacity, a planning, strategy and futures consulting firm based in Australia. Toney is a qualified Urban Planner, Environmental Manager and Futurist with over 20 years’ Australian and international experience in planning and sustainability. She has a particular interest and expertise in regenerative urban planning and regenerative cities.


Toney has a wealth of experience in strategic and spatial urban planning, environmental and resilience planning, futures, local government and applied research. She has worked across all levels of government, including advising the UK, Malta, Welsh and NSW Governments on environmental and planning policy and assessment. She has worked on regional spatial planning, local and neighbourhood planning in the UK and on key regeneration projects in Sydney and London. Toney is an independent expert for two NSW local planning panels and is currently working on low carbon housing projects in the Sydney Basin. She is a member of the Planning Institute of Australia, the Association of Professional Futurists, the Living Future Institute, Green Building Council of Australia and the international planning organisation, ISOCARP. She is an active member of the Regen Sydney network. 


Toney presented on regenerative futures at the closing plenary of the Asia Pacific Futures Network Conference: Regenerating Asia 2050 and recently collaborated with the Centre for Engaged Foresight on a regenerative cities research project for the Philippines Government.