Who rules the world? A Call for Papers

“Who Rules the World?”

A Call for Papers for a 2014 Special Edition of Foresight on Global Governance / Ruling Power

Guest Edited by Professor Dennis R. Morgan

Every research paper begins with a question. Of course, it doesn’t always have to be a single question; sometimes, it’s a set of related questions. Still, the single question, which may yet entail a set of related questions, seems to be more effective because it is more focused.

The type of question that one investigates and researches should be one that promises to make a contribution to the field that the question concerns; moreover, the question should be one that no one has asked, or at least one that may have been asked but was not answered fully.

The question proposed for futurists and other scholars to research and respond to with findings is: “Who rules the world?”

Now, this question concerning global ruling power has indeed been asked in a 2010 Futures publication by Bernd Hamm, who also stated that the question has not received as much attention in futures as it should. On this point, we concur; however, though this question is of great significance to the futures field, the significance was not demonstrated as fully as it could be if addressed by several authors in a special edition. Also, the conclusion drawn from Dr. Hamm’s study does not offer prospects for the future; in other words, the case is presented as an insolvable problem, for no solution or prognosis is offered.

For these two reasons, we anticipate various reactions from prospective authors; therefore, Dr. Hamm’s paper serves as a fine springboard (and recommended reading) to revisit the question in a collection of papers that will, no doubt, feature diverse perspectives in response. For example, the question itself seems to assume that the world is being ruled – a contentious assertion that is, by no means settled; hence, it’s also acceptable to question the question. On the other hand, those who do accept ruling power as a given should provide evidence, argue its significance for the futures field, and/or provide a prognosis for (the) global future(s) based on ruling power as a fact of existence in the world today.

The special edition “Who rules the world?” will most likely feature 5 or 6 papers, scheduled to be published at the end of 2014.

Abstract submissions are due at the end of December 2013. Upon acceptance of abstract, full submissions will open at the end of February and will continue until the end of May.

See author guidelines: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/products/journals/author_guidelines.htm?id=fs&PHPSESSID=2fp3psks5itbh548kv4acs5n14

Important Dates

Submission of Abstracts: 31 Dec 2013
Notification of Authors: 21 Jan 2014
Submission of Manuscripts: 21 March 2014
Reviews / Notifications: 30 April 2014
Final Papers: 31 May 2014

Submissions Instructions

Abstract Submission: Foresight Special Issue on Global Governance / Ruling Power
Guidance on preparation of abstracts available: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/authors/guides/write/abstracts.htm

Abstract: Less than 400 words
Topic / Keywords: select keywords to match theme of journal issue
Title: Title of proposed paper
Author(s): Full names, titles, primary institutional affiliation (if any).
Address: Contact details
Telephone / Fax / Mobile: Include country code
E-mail: May include alternate e-mail

Address Abstract Submissions to Guest Editor:
Professor Dennis R. Morgan ([email protected])

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