Futures Thinking for Medical Education Transformation
What is Futures thinking, Futures studies, and professional foresight practice? How might we study and use the future as an asset, resource, and tool to transform medical education? How might we employ and embed futures in medical education? How do we build or increase medical practitioners’ ability to map emerging issues and envision an alternative and preferred medical education and practice? What Futures tools and strategies can we use and teach? How do we build the capacity to adapt and integrate Futures thinking for education transformation? This session aims to discuss foundational assumptions of Futures thinking and share cases on how Futures thinking could be adopted and applied in medical education in the Philippines.
Prof. Shermon Cruz recently shared his views on futures and gave key recommendations on how medical schools can embed foresight in medical education in the Philippines. He spoke lengthily on fundamental and foundational assumptions that inform Futures thinking, Futures studies, Futures literacy, and strategic foresight in the twenty-first century. Organized by the Association of Philippine Medical Colleges, this year’s Annual Convention reimagines the future of Philippine Medical Education. Having served as the Philippine Department of Health’s In-house Futurist he designed learning and capacity-building modules for the DOH Strategic Foresight Program, Prof. Cru accentuated the need for medical schools to learn about Futures, increase their capacity to use the future as an asset, resource, and tool to transform, build a research foresight competency, and develop a knowledge base of Futures studies by studying and immersing in the Association of Professional Foresight Competency Model. Prof. Cruz also took note that digital technologies are not just the propeller of Future reimaginings but a weak sign that may certainly impact medical education and practice would be synthetic biology.
For more information about the APMC Annual Convention 2022, check the APMC Facebook page | or the APMC Website